Yogis of all levels will benefit from a tension-releasing yoga class in a comfortable, safe, tranquil environment. It’s one of the best ways to counter a fast-paced, stressed-out life off the mat. Yoga helps balance the mind and body, relieve tension and anxiety, improve the immune system, stretch deep fascia and increase flexibility.
Date 日期: 2̶6̶/̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶/̶2̶,̶ ̶9̶/̶2̶,̶ 23/2
Time 時間:Tuesdays 星期二 19:15-20:15
Quota 名額:15
Fee 費用:HK$480 (4 classes 共4節)
Preparation for Virtual Classes 網課準備事項 :
- ZOOM. Download ZOOM on your computer, phone, or tablet and log-in to Zoom 10 mins before the classes start. 所有工作坊都將通過Zoom實時進行。 請於電腦、手機或平板電腦預先下載Zoom應用程式,並於課堂開始10分鐘前登錄。
- A device with camera allows...
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